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Documents: 2012 Policy Directives

#12-04-ELI: Food Stamp Resource Policy

(This Policy Directive Replaces PD #08-01-ELI)

The instructions in this directive are for staff in Non Cash Assistance (NCA) Food Stamp (FS) Centers and Job Centers who make separate FS determinations. For all other staff this directive serves as information. This procedure serves as an addendum to the resource procedure in Section 17 of the Food Stamp Source Book (FSSB).

This policy directive has been revised to:
1) Reflect the increase from $3000 to $3250 in the Food Stamp Program resource limit for non-categorically eligible households with a disabled or elderly member that became effective on October 1, 2011.

2) Include an expansion in categorical eligibility that became effective on March 1, 2009. With this expansion, households that pass the 200% gross income test (GIT) and incur out-ofpocket dependent care costs are to be deemed categorically eligible if they do not contain any individuals who are disqualified from receiving FS due to an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) or a sanction.

3) Remind staff that most households are categorically eligible and are not subject to the resource test and limits discussed in this policy directive.

4) Advise staff that instructions to use the National Automobile Dealers Association (N.A.D.A) Official User Car Guide have been removed as the N.A.D.A. books are no longer provided.



Created: 3/12/2012