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Documents: 2011 Policy Bulletins

#11-77-SYS: WeCARE Timekeeping System

The purpose of this policy bulletin is to announce that effective immediately, FIA Conciliation staff will have view-only access to the Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment, Rehabilitation and Employment (WeCARE) Timekeeping System. This policy bulletin contains information for Conciliation, Job Center, and Fair Hearing and Conference (FH&C) staff, and is informational for all other staff.

Access to the WeCARE Timekeeping System will allow Conciliation and FH&C staff to verify statements regarding time and attendance made by participants during Conciliation interviews and Fair Hearing Conferences. The information in the WeCARE Timekeeping System will assist staff in determining whether good cause should be granted for infractions.



Created: 9/22/2011
Updated: 9/22/2011