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Documents: 2006 Policy Bulletins

#06-93-SYS: POS Release Notes Version 10.2

Please note that although this PB  may be innocuous, it makes two changes which may (or may not be) notable:  First - battered aliens - notes that "if all requirements for an individual to be determined a battered alien have not been met and the worker attempts either to change the individual PA or FS status to AC, RJ, or CL or to complete the activity, those actions will be blocked and the following message will appear:  "Alien Type Determination is incomplete. You must return to the Alien Determination "battered alien" window and make an update before changing the individual's status on the TAD and completing the activity."  Second, a technical change notes that a HASA change has been made so that a pop-up appears saying: "The client is not present. The form will be forwarded to the Case Manager, who will obtain the client's signature. The Eligibility Specialist will scan and index the signed form into POS."  Always interesting to note when HRA admits that is has the ability to do home visits.



Created: 7/24/2006