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95-47 NDAR Coding Procedure.pdf

Documents : OAH Procedures Transmittals for 1995

95-47: New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) NYC Division of Audit and Response (NDAR) Coding Procedure for Out-of-State and Upstate Appellants (12/19/95)

For any case identified by the agency NDAR (NYC Division of Audit and Response) when the appellant resides out of state or in an upstate county other than Nassau or Suffolk, the hearing should be scheduled as a NYC Telephone Hearing. If the client resides in Nassau or Suffolk, the hearing should be scheduled as a regular hearing at 80 Centre Street. This will ensure that NYC ALJs who are familiar with foster care payment issues are assigned to hear these cases.

Coding for Appellants from Out of State
Coding for Appellants from an Upstate County Other than Nassau or Suffolk

Agency: NDAR
Category: Serv
Issue: 313 or 315 and
Secondary Issue: 998 INAD
Scheduling Status: M
Hearing Type: H1
Hearing Location: MANH (FHIS will schedule at 80 Centre Street as a Telephone Hearing)

Coding for Appellants from Nassau/Suffolk

Agency: NDAR
Category: Serv
Issue: 313 or 315
Scheduling Status: S
Hearing Type: None
Hearing Location: None (FHIS will schedule at 80 Centre Street).

The Albany Correspondence Unit staff assigned to handle telephone hearings for non-homebound appellants (Issue 998) will be responsible for sending out the proper letter to request a telephone number and documents and to inform the appellant that the hearing will be held via telephone. They will also change the Scheduling Status and Hearing Type to T and H2, respectively, upon verifying the telephone number so that the case can be properly scheduled as a Telephone Hearing. Telephone Intake Staff should make every effort to obtain a telephone number when handling these requests and should utilize the 998 issue code as a secondary issue to assist in the proper scheduling of a telephone hearing. NYC Intake and Calendar Management staff should continue to forward these 998 issue coded requests to the Homebound Telephone Hearing Unit in Albany for proper distribution to the Correspondence Unit staff to process.


Created: 11/1/2010