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95-07 1891 coding-payee situations etc.pdf

Documents : OAH Procedures Transmittals for 1995

95-07: 1891 Coding - Payee Situations Multiple Actions, etc. (02/08/95)

Intake Supervisory Staff both in Albany and in New York City have provided guidelines to help regular and overtime staff identify who to list as the appellant in the following situations:

• PA cases involving payees

• MA cases when a child or children are the only applicants/recipients in the household

• Notices addressed to both a husband and wife

• MA cases involving multiple actions affecting different individuals

• MA cases involving multiple individuals; same action, multiple notices

Effective immediately, all staff should refer to the guidelines outlined below when coding requests described in the above situations. Hopefully, it will serve to provide local agencies with consistent and complete information. It also expands usage of the "S" address type (which previously had been used almost exclusively in "also for" situations), to include other scenarios in order to more fully utilize the dup/multiple capabilities of FHIS.

PA CASES (payee situations)

Mary Smith (payee) for Johnny Smith. Mary Smith is not on assistance but is the payee for a child.

• List Mary Smith as appellant

• List Johnny Smith in message field and note in comments "Payee for Johnny Smith"

• List Johnny Smith (name and address) as "S" address (to maximize possible system matches)

MA CASES (for child/children only)

Mary Smith for Johnny Smith. Mary is not on MA but child is an MA recipient/applicant.

• List Johnny Smith as appellant; c/o Mary Smith in address field (If more than one child is involved, list one as appellant and others on comment screen)

• List Mary Smith as "S" address type


Paul and Cathy Smith

• List Paul as appellant

• List Cathy as "S" address type

• List Cathy in comments and message field

MA CASES (multiple actions/various household members)

Jane Smith, parent, has a negative action, i.e. a discontinuance. One child (Ann's) MA has a different action, i.e. reduction due to surplus; another child has yet another action.

• List Jane Smith as appellant

• List Ann as "S" address type

• List all names on comment screen noting corresponding action for each

MA CASES (multiple household members; same action, multiple notices)

• List one adult as appellant.

• List other adult (if any) or oldest child as "S" address type

• List all names on comment screen noting "Same action, separate notices"

Please note that unlike "R" and "O" address types, the "S" address type has the capability of producing system matches. Also, the need to list additional names in both the message field and comment screen is an interim measure only and will not be required in both places when the comment screen attaches to Inquiry.


Created: 11/1/2010