Pursuant to suggestions made by staff in the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), the front side of the Notice of Fair Hearing Request and Aid Status, DSS-4420, has been revised. Notably, the title of the form is now "Acknowledgement of Fair Hearing Request and Confirmation of Aid Status", which may serve to eliminate confusion on the part of these appellants who mistook this form for the fair hearing scheduling notice.
Additionally, the fair hearing number has been printed in "bold" as has the information on the bottom of the form, the language of which has been changed to advise that a separate notice of scheduling will be forwarded to the appellant.
It should be noted that all suggestions were seriously considered in making revisions; however the changes were necessarily limited to only those ideas that did not involve programming changes. As future programming resources become available, additional suggestions that were made can be implemented. The reverse side of the DSS-4420 received some attention as well; a draft version has been forwarded to the Attorney General's office for clearance and eventual release.