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96-12 DSS-4420 Change.pdf

Documents : OAH Procedures Transmittals for 1996

96-12: Change in Language on DSS-4420, Notice of Fair Hearing Request and Aid Status (04/18/96)

Effective immediately, additional language has been added to the Notice of Fair Hearing Request and Aid Status (Notice to Appellant - DSS-4420) regarding aid continuing cases. The new language appears on the back of the Notice and reads as follows:

"If the local district has been directed to continue your assistance unchanged, but your case has nevertheless been closed, or your benefits have been reduced or restricted despite this directive, you should contact the L & A (Liaison and Adjustment) unit at your local center or the fair hearing unit at your Food Stamp, Medicaid, OES, or BEGIN site, and make an 'aid continuing complaint'. RECIPIENTS OUTSIDE NEW YORK CITY SHOULD CONTACT THEIR CASEWORKERS. You may also contact the state agency at the telephone number and address listed on the front of this notice and ask them to redirect the local district to restore your assistance. If you live in New York City, you may call or visit the New York State Department of Social Services, Office of Administrative Hearings, 3rd floor, at 80 Centre St. The telephone number for the state agency in New York City is (212) 417-6550."


Created: 10/31/2010