Effective immediately, subcategory SPA has been designated for use when coding fair hearing requests concerning alien recertification for food stamp benefits pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
The City of New York, Food Stamp Program, is mailing notices to New York City alien clients who are in receipt of food stamps notifying them that their food stamp benefits will expire on August 22, 1997. The clients are being instructed to complete a mail-in recertification form to determine if they meet the new food stamp eligibility rules for aliens.
Failure to comply with the recertification requirement by August 22, 1997 will result in a discontinuance of their food stamp benefits without additional notice.
If, upon recertification, a client's eligibility is affected, and a new request for hearing is made to contest any determination made as a result of that recertification, a supplemental issue can be added to the original request for hearing, which may have been made prematurely prior to the August 22, 1997 expiration of benefits. Otherwise, no additional unrelated issues should be added to these requests.