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97-23 Changes in Fair Hearing Data Sheet.pdf

Documents : OAH Procedures Transmittals for 1997

97-23: Changes to Report FH-019, Fair Hearing Data Sheet (07/31/97)

Effective May, 1997, Report FH-019, Fair Hearing Data Sheet, was changed to add codes that will signify that an issue is being remanded to the agency. The proper use of Remand Codes 41-47 will provide the opportunity for Litigation staff to obtain data, specifically on issue codes 900, 997, and 999, by accessing the appropriate demand reports.

The changes on the Fair Hearing Data Sheet appear under the column previously entitled "Reversal codes (01-09) = R. The column is now entitled "Reversal (01-09)/Remand (41-47) Codes = R". Each code has two sets of numbers, one that begins with a "0" to be used with reversals, and another that begins with a "4" to be used with remands. In addition, Reversal Code 08 ("Remanded to Agency for New/Supplemental Determination") has been eliminated.

By choosing, as an example, "05" for a discontinuance or reduction where the agency is being reversed for "failing to produce the appellant case record" and "45" when the agency failed to produce the appellant case record but the issue is an adequacy issue which must be remanded to the agency for appropriate action, it will be easy to obtain reports which will clearly distinguish remanded cases from all others. In all other respects, Form FH-019 remains the same.

The current Outcome Reason Codes are available at: http://onlineresources.wnylc.net/FairHearingResources/showquestion.asp?faq=7&fldAuto=61.


Created: 10/31/2010