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97-05 Upstate Food Stamp Reduction.pdf

Documents : OAH Procedures Transmittals for 1997

97-05: Food Stamp Reductions for Loss of Standard Utility Allowance Deduction (SUA) (03/11/97)

A mass change notice was recently distributed to a large number of food stamp recipients advising them of a reduction in food stamp benefits due to the fact that they are no longer entitled to a heating/cooling Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) deduction. The reduction was effective February 1, 1997 for Upstate districts and March 1, 1997 in NYC. It was orginally expected that an effort would be made to schedule these cases on separate calendars, thereby requiring a subcategory.

Due to a smaller than anticipated hearing request rate, there will be no special scheduling nor coding procedures required for these cases.


Created: 10/31/2010