Due to the recent move of the Bureau of Medicaid Operations out of One Commerce Plaza, there is a change of address for two agency contacts, as follows:
Kathy Sherry, who receives a copy of the decision upon use of NYS5 in the agency field. Agency NYS5 is coded in the second agency field and is used for Upstate fair hearing requests concerning personal care services (Issue Codes 246, 260, 261, 262, 287, 291, 292 or 293).
NYS Department of Health Bureau of Medicaid Operations Att: Kathy Sherry 161 Delaware Avenue Delmar, New York 12054 Telephone: (518) 478-1091 Fax: (518) 478-1014
Marcia Anderson, who receives notification and a copy of the decision upon use of DOH1 in the agency field. Agency DOH1 is coded in the second agency field and is used statewide for requests concerning a discontinuance or denial of participation in the Home & Community-Based Services Waiver Program for individuals with traumatic brain injuries (Issue Code 293).
NYS Department of Health Bureau of Medicaid Operations Att: Marcia Anderson 161 Delaware Avenue Delmar, New York 12054 Telephone: (518) 478-1091 Fax: (518) 478-1014