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04-05 HRA Acevedo Settlement Notice.pdf

Documents : OAH Procedures Transmittals for 2004

04-05: HRA Acevedo Settlement Notice (07/08/04)

On Monday, June 28, 2004, 11,000 notices went out pursuant to the Acevedo litigation settlement, which involves Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) sanctions for NYC clients, that had defective and/or no notices on or after January, 2000. The NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) anticipates sending a total of 13,000 such notices: one for clients “Under Sanction” (EXP-76M) and one for clients whose “Sanction Ended” (EXP-76N).

The notices advise currently-sanctioned clients to contact the Acevedo Information Line and the sanction-ended clients the Acevedo Conference Line (located on the upper right of the notice) if they wish to seek information or a conference, if they do not understand the notice or if they think the determination is wrong. The notice further refers clients to the New York  Legal Assistance Group at: (212) 371-6873 (referenced as the ACEVEDO settlement line) for legal help in requesting a fair hearing.

Inasmuch as HRA needs these cases special handled, they have identified the notices as Acevedo Agreement Notices so that OAH can identify and schedule them on a separate Job Center 39 calendar with representatives participating from both the Office of Revenue Investigation (ORI) and the Family Independence Administration (FIA.)



Created: 6/22/2008
Updated: 6/22/2008